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Mandags Inspiration om Psykologi & Spiritualitet

May 31, 2018

Foran det autentiske selv ligger løgne af bekymringer, frygt og gamle destruktive historier. I min samtale med Stine Amina Toft taler vi om, hvordan vi kan slippe nogen af de gamle ting, der forhindrer os i at leve et fuldt liv, fyldt med glæde og connection til livet og andre mennesker.

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May 28, 2018

I dagens episode skal du møde Stine Amina Toft, som ejer rekrutteringsfirmaet Strepa og IT-virksomheden Ditaso. Du skal høre hendes historie om, hvordan hun er vokset op på Vesterbro i København, hvad hendes baggrund har givet hende i forhold til at begå sig på de bonede gulve, og så skal vi selvfølgelig høre...

May 24, 2018

Inspired by my talk with Andreas Hurtig, I downloaded an app on my phone so I can practice learning a new language on my phone.

Great stuff !

May 21, 2018

In this episode with Andreas Hurtig you get to know why he has done a lot of projects called the 1-month-man, where every month he gives him self a challenge to learn a new skill and how he has asked around and found out that the most common excuse we have for not doing what we what in order to learn new things is...

May 17, 2018

About Money and Being Present. I seem to talk about the same thing over and over.

And the simplicity of life itself.